
Helping busy people find more balance & less stress



Yossarian Fay


Bachelor of Education (University of Canterbury), Higher International Diploma of Naturopathy (School of Natural Health Sciences), Diploma in Reflexology (NZ & UK), Diploma in Life Coaching (SNHS), Advanced Diploma in Flower Remedies (SNHS), Advanced Diploma in Nutrition (SNHS), Advanced Diploma in Herbalism (SNHS), Certified Infant Massage Instrutor with IAIM, Certified Baby Reflexology Instructor

In today's fast paced world it is easy for us to forget what it takes to be truly healthy. We often fall into the traps of eating food that fills rather than nourishes, too little exercise, over-committing ourselves, spreading ourselves to thin and really forgetting to take time to just be; to connect with life and the people in it. I know because all of the above statements sum me up at one time in my life or another!

So I began my journey to Becoming Healthy and maintaining well-being. It was more than just the exterior image and being free of illness thoug. It was, and still is, about finding balance within my life; recognizing all the parts – physical, mental and emotional - and giving time to each. 

Raised in a family where books were plenty and learning was considered a life long process I have a natural love of education. I believe education is the key to everything - yes everything. "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Chinese Proverb. It is the same in health and well being; give people the tools and they will be able to heal themselves rather than constantly trying to find that ambulance at the bottom of the hill.

I don't want to be constantly hooked into a therapy or remedy nor do I want you to be. Who wants to live a life like that? Everything that you need is already there, inside you - you just need to find the correct tools to unlock the potential that is currently hidden within you. Advice may be great however no-one has the answers for your health and life except YOU. No-one can change or heal you unless you are ready and willing to change. 

Ultimately I believe that it is important to continue to grow, connect, learn and share. This web site is about sharing what I know and hopefully give some tools to you to continue your path to Becoming Healthy. 



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